

看过的 凯瑟琳Uhles,管理学硕士,硕士,院长,商业和信息技术学院



就在高管层的下面, middle managers are responsible for making sure that their business or organization operates smoothly and efficiently. 他们扮演中间人的角色, 将高层管理人员的信息传递给各部门和一线经理. 

而对一些人来说,中层管理似乎是一个不必要的官僚层, 中层管理人员在组织中扮演着关键角色. 在这里, 我们将探讨管理等级制度, 对中层管理人员有用的技能以及他们面临的挑战.


中层管理人员 occupies the space between executive-level managers and first-line managers. 中层管理人员的职责范围很广, 但最重要的是, they communicate the goals of upper management to front-line employees and ensure those goals are met. 在很多情况下, 中层管理人员还负责培训和发展, 以及绩效管理.


The role of middle management is evolving as organizations seek to become more agile and responsive. 近年来, there has been a shift from traditional hierarchical structures with middle managers given more authority and responsibility. 这对公司的利润起着至关重要的作用, because middle managers are closer to front-line employees than executives and have a better understanding of their needs.

我们采访了Joseph Aranyosi, associate dean of the College of 业务 and 信息技术 at University of Phoenix, 关于当代的工作环境和中层管理者.

“当代的工作环境正在迅速变化, 并且看到了向虚拟劳动力的转变, 重新关注生活质量问题, 并利用人工智能等技术来完成常见的工作任务,阿兰诺西说. ”因此, there’s a need for middle managers to be more adaptive than ever to support employees through change management, 快速有效地对问题作出反应, 做出价值驱动的商业决策.”

中层管理人员 必要的主持人 组织内部的沟通和员工成长. 没有他们,公司将难以运转.


传统的管理有三个层次:高层、中层和一线. 这通常被称为管理等级制度. 每个级别都有不同的关注点和职责.


C-suite executives oversee company strategy and usually have a broad perspective on the company and its position in the industry. With this comes the responsibility of setting goals and objectives that employees must accomplish. 这些目标会逐渐渗透到一线员工身上.



It’s crucial for top-level managers to have extensive industry experience and a deep understanding of business. 大多数高层管理人员都有 至少有学士学位,但也有很多人拥有MBA学位 或者其他高级学位,比如 管理学博士.

除了经验和教育, 高层管理者还需要战略思维, 解决问题和领导能力.


中层管理人员, 也被称为执行管理, 指高层管理人员与一线管理人员之间的一层管理人员. 中层管理人员 responsible for carrying out the decisions made by upper management and ensuring the directives are executed.

中层管理人员的职责范围通常很广, 这取决于组织的规模和结构. 在小型组织中, 中层管理人员可能负责所有的日常运营, 比如规划, 预算和人员编制. 在大型组织中, 中层管理人员可能负责特定的职能或部门, 比如人力资源, 市场营销或销售.



中层管理人员通常拥有学士学位,尽管有些工作需要学士学位 管理学硕士,视行业而定. 其他教育选择包括 本科管理证书,这可以帮助你学习担任总经理或运营经理的关键技能.


尽管一线管理人员, 也被称为一线或主管经理, 是组织中较低的管理级别之一吗. First-line managers directly supervise front-line employees and ensure they complete their tasks on time and to standards.



Most organizations require a high school diploma to qualify for a first-line management position. 然而,在某些情况下,行业经验可能就足够了. 例如, someone who has worked their way up from being a barista to a store manager at a coffee shop would likely not need a formal education to qualify for the position.

然而,在医疗保健等其他行业,一线管理职位, 可能至少需要学士学位. 在其他情况下,a 管理学学士学位 这可能是员工提高技能进入管理岗位的一种选择吗.

Aranyosi说:“管理者的角色或行业越专业化, the more likely there will be a need to obtain higher degrees to qualify for promotional opportunities. 虽然经验和认证可以在许多领域提供帮助, most employers are looking for candidates who can demonstrate the long-term commitment and responsibility that are required to successfully complete a degree program.”


中层管理人员在确保组织顺利运作方面起着至关重要的作用. 没有中层管理人员, 高层管理人员会因日常工作而陷入困境, and front-line employees would struggle to know how to prioritize tasks and may lack the necessary support to succeed in their role.

因为中层管理人员通常是被有意聘用来改善业务功能的, 他们为雇主带来了重要的技能和优势. 这些 管理技能 包括:


虽然中层管理者在组织中扮演着至关重要的角色, 研究表明 他们中的一些人的工作满意度较低 而不是高层管理人员. 

有几个因素导致了这一现象, including how middle managers are often caught between executives and lower-level employees. This can put them in an uncomfortable position when it comes to interpersonal relationships at work: Lower-level employees may view middle managers as “the boss” and keep them at arm’s length, 虽然高管们可能没有意识到他们的贡献.  

也, 因为他们的工作需要解决很多问题, 他们可能会执行两组人都不喜欢的任务, 比如完成审计, 这可能是乏味和耗时的,但必要的. 除了, middle managers may feel that they aren’t given enough authority to make decisions or that senior management doesn’t adequately recognize their efforts. This can lead to frustration and delayed turnaround if middle managers are constantly having to seek approval before completing or assigning tasks.

Aranyosi解释说:“虽然中层经理的角色有时会令人沮丧, 他们也提供了宝贵的, 可以用来磨练操作的实际经验, 管理和解决问题的能力. 记住,大多数高管都是通过中层管理人员往上爬的, 所以这是了解业务需求的好方法, 磨练你的技能,建立你领导他人的信心. 把它看作是你在商业生涯中进步的垫脚石.”


We offer a variety of degree and certificate options that can enhance your education or work experience. 从证书开始,一直到管理学博士学位, 在他们管理生涯的每个阶段都有不同的选择.

如果你对中层管理的职位感兴趣,那就看看他们是如何做到的 在线商务学位 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的教授可以帮助你培养技能,为迎接机遇做好准备. 选项包括:



A graduate of Johns Hopkins University and its Writing Seminars program and winner of the Stephen A. 狄克逊文学奖, 迈克尔·费德 brings an eye for detail and a passion for research to every article he writes. 他的学术和专业背景包括市场营销经验, 内容开发, 脚本编写和SEO. 今天, he works as a multimedia specialist at University of Phoenix where he covers a variety of topics ranging from healthcare to IT.



现任商业与信息技术学院院长, 自2006年以来,凯瑟琳Uhles一直在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜担任各种职务. 在加入推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜之前, 凯瑟琳在凤凰城教五年级的贫困儿童.
